Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bambi Never Had Lashes Like This!

Dior_Show Mascara

starting september, i've been in love with a mascara called Dior DiorShow. for 23 dollars at bloomingdales, my eyes are long, seperate, and full if i wiggle the gigantic brush; those are my lashes with Dior DiorShow.

of course, no makeup is perfect. the brush being crazy huge, it can be a little hard if you're in a rush to put it on right, and it can't hold up during one of my mid-class naps too well [ although that's just because i rub my eyes like mad after a nap [; ] it takes more than three swipes to take full and most powerful effect as well.

of course, the price does put a damper on my excitement, but as mother says, 'you only have one face; treat it with the best.'


First Post Ever.

hey babes. blondie here, first post ever. i've tried this blogging thing before, only in a diary way, and nooo success. who cares about some chicks' life? people want to read something interesting- me included. stuff like beauty&clothes&life are what i'd like to read about, you? there's so many great blogs out there [my abs. faves being spoiled pretty & styledash] but they speak from the POVs of adults. what about one that a teen writes? i'd like to know that. so here it is. All Blondie, all the time. as far as a first post goes, it's not very interesting and i apologize. don't give up now and keep reading. want a list of some of the things i'll write about here? i'd <3 to:

-makeup reviews, so that you don't waste your time buying things that just don't work.
-t.v. reviews, so that you know what I think about it. [;
-cool things online, cool things to buy, cool new clothes.
-books you should read, 'cause being stupid is never in style.
-just things you should know [but never anything boring.]
-natural remedies for things in life, because you know, good stuff you don't have to pay for it is fab.
-just rarely, not often, things about ma vie magnifique.

comments are always, always welcome. and if i'm wrong, don't hesitate to tell me so, loves.
l8tr, g8tr.