so in our modern world, one thing people don't have time for, including themselves, each other, and good food, is sleep. it's sooo very important to being healthy, looking good, feeling good, and living long! i can't stress this enough, and i try my best-est to get the recommended amount of sleep. =)
besides, nowadays you can keep making your gorgeous self more gorgeous while you snooze away thanks to nightcreams, hair rollers, masks and leave-in conditioners. remember to moisturize your elbows, heels, hands, and where ever else you tend to be dry. flaky, dry-looking skin makes NO ONE look attractive.
apply zit cream when you see redness or swelling appear-> ProActiv's Combination Therapy Refining Mask works wonders over night; just rub some on and go to sleep.
wash your face before you go to sleep to be rid of all the toxins and oils, use a cleanser for a really nice, deep clean.
brush your teeth and lips [ it sounds crazy, but it helps get your lips plump and rosy ] and remember to floss! fresh breath may not be an aphrodisiac, but bad breath is such a repellant.
put on nightcreams for age-prevention if you need them, put on whatever your dermatologist prescribed.
now that the beauty regime has been taken care of, we need to move on to the actual sleep.
about fifteen minutes before you go to sleep, try not watching TV or your laptop. instead, drink some milk or something, but nothing caffeinated! read something nice before bed [ try to read something you can finish in that time, or else you might keep yourself awake for some extra time, wondering about the conclusion! ] daydream, think about pleasant things; BUT NOT ABOUT REAL LIFE. that counting thing people say never worked for me, but hey, try it and if it works, yay for you!
there you have it, darlings. turn off the lights and tuck in!